Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Keeping with the “Top Ten” theme from last week, here are my Top Ten Impasse-Breaking Strategies:

1. Get or share more information

2. Switch objective criteria

3. Prioritize needs and interests

4. Brainstorm options

5. Set deadlines

6. Temporarily put aside the issue

7. Take a break

8. Move up the chain

9. Pick a fair alternative process (such as mediation or arbitration)

10. Concede

A big challenge in many negotiations revolves around how to break impasses. While there are many options, these ten are my personal favorites.

For a comprehensive discussion of each, sign up for a free trial of my ExpertNegotiator Planning & Management Software to access the online version of my book, Gain the Edge! Negotiating to Get What You Want (St. Martin’s Press 2004).

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