“I just want what’s fair and reasonable,” a friend said in the midst of his divorce. “That’s not too much to ask, is it?” “Of course not,” I replied. “The key here, though, is how to determine what’s fair and reasonable. I suspect you have a very different perception...
Keeping with the “Top Ten” theme from last week, here are my Top Ten Impasse-Breaking Strategies: 1. Get or share more information 2. Switch objective criteria 3. Prioritize needs and interests 4. Brainstorm options 5. Set deadlines 6. Temporarily put...
With the latest federal budget negotiation deadline quickly approaching, this is a good time to point out that setting a deadline can help break an impasse. Fast and furious concessions typically occur as parties approach deadlines because it’s their last opportunity...
One of former Chrysler president Lee Iacocca’s most formidable negotiation challenges occurred when Chrysler sought to avoid bankruptcy by negotiating with Congress in 1979 for a $1.5 billion loan guarantee. Most lawmakers initially believed government should not bail...
Impasses in three high-profile negotiations have recently focused the public’s attention on the nature of deadlock in negotiations – the Wisconsin Democrats’ walkout to Illinois, the federal budget showdown and just averted shutdown, and the NFL lockout. So how...