Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

“Hi – how are you?” my friend said to his teen daughter years ago after coming home from work. She erupted, yelled at him, stormed to her room and slammed the door. He turned to his wife and said “what did I do?” She replied “you talked.” This example, shared by...
Negotiating with Teens (Part One)

Negotiating with Teens (Part One)

My 14-year-old daughter has excellent negotiation skills. And that’s a problem, at least now. Of course, I shouldn’t complain. She’s a great kid and very responsible, etc. But she can also be really frustrating. My friends with older daughters tell me this is a...
Advice for Negotiators at Thanksgiving

Advice for Negotiators at Thanksgiving

Four years ago, I wrote a Negotiators Guide to Thanksgiving Conversations and eight years ago I wrote a column thanking negotiators for exhibiting certain effective traits that make all our negotiations better. Here are three more effective negotiator traits to be...
Negotiating With College Kids

Negotiating With College Kids

My son starts college at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois next week. Time flies! As the son of an author, he recently bought a book for my wife and me entitled “The Naked Roommate [For Parents Only]: A Parent’s Guide to the New College Experience.” I...
Personal Relationships Over Leverage (Part 3)

Personal Relationships Over Leverage (Part 3)

I know the best way to maximize the financial value of my family business is to hire an investment banker and auction it off to the highest bidder. That’s all about leverage, right? And I need to achieve enough financial security to continue our current lifestyle...
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

Here’s my annual list of lessons learned and a reminder to put these strategies into practice in 2023. You won’t get better results if you don’t implement them. Each also has a link to my column with more detail. Negotiating with the elderly requires specialized...