Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
The Value of a Negotiation Apology

The Value of a Negotiation Apology

No one is perfect. And everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are minor, but other times we really mess up. It’s human. Of course, companies mess up, too. So, what can we do, especially if you and/or your company need to repair the relationship and rebuild...
Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

“Hi – how are you?” my friend said to his teen daughter years ago after coming home from work. She erupted, yelled at him, stormed to her room and slammed the door. He turned to his wife and said “what did I do?” She replied “you talked.” This example, shared by...
Advantages to Taking a Break – Part One

Advantages to Taking a Break – Part One

“I just bought us 48 hours,” star lawyer Harvey Specter told his understudy in the USA Network legal drama series Suits. He said this after getting his incarcerated client to hit him, a shocking move that gave them sufficient time to elicit a confession from the...
Learning from Negotiation Mistakes

Learning from Negotiation Mistakes

I have always been intensely competitive – in sports, business and in negotiations. It’s a strength and weakness. I remember losing a particular high school tennis match that really motivated me to hit the practice court even more. And to this day, I still feel...
Lessons Learned 2023 – Part Two

Lessons Learned 2023 – Part Two

Here’s part two of my annual list of lessons learned and a reminder to put these strategies into practice in 2024. You won’t get better results if you don’t implement them. Almost all negotiations involve the weighing and prioritizing of interests along with...
Advice for Negotiators at Thanksgiving

Advice for Negotiators at Thanksgiving

Four years ago, I wrote a Negotiators Guide to Thanksgiving Conversations and eight years ago I wrote a column thanking negotiators for exhibiting certain effective traits that make all our negotiations better. Here are three more effective negotiator traits to be...
The Power of Pattern Bargaining

The Power of Pattern Bargaining

I remember taking a labor history course in college years ago that opened my eyes to the hostile and contentious record of union-management negotiations going back to the advent and growth of unions in the late 19th and early 20th century. Violence was not that...