Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM

Special Tactics to Negotiate Effectively By Phone

You have a telephone appointment with your counterpart in a big negotiation at 2 pm. It’s going to be a critical conversation as you received your counterpart’s extremely aggressive first offer last week, and you have not yet responded. If you come across as too...
Dealing with Distractions

Dealing with Distractions

How long has it been since you were speaking with a colleague and they glanced at their phone to check a text, notification or email? I bet this has already happened to you multiple times today. Or maybe it was your phone that buzzed while you were drafting an email. ...
Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

“Hi – how are you?” my friend said to his teen daughter years ago after coming home from work. She erupted, yelled at him, stormed to her room and slammed the door. He turned to his wife and said “what did I do?” She replied “you talked.” This example, shared by...
Negotiating with Monkeys

Negotiating with Monkeys

I am unaware of any research into the negotiating habits of monkeys. But the monkeys in Bali do negotiate – at least with humans – and apparently do it fairly well. This week’s column is based on BBC Planet Earth’s 3-minute video (here’s the LINK) entitled The...
Dealing with Surprises in Negotiations

Dealing with Surprises in Negotiations

I’m a planner, as a core element of what I teach involves creating Strategic Negotiation Plans based on the experts’ proven research. To implement proven negotiation strategies in a systematic, disciplined way, you must plan and think it through before you pick...
How to Make Strategic Negotiating a Habit

How to Make Strategic Negotiating a Habit

I’m In the behavior modification business. I try to change negotiation behavior from instinctive or intuitive – the way we have negotiated since we were toddlers – to strategic based on the experts’ proven research. I’ve been doing this for almost 30 years, and...
When To Negotiate In Person: An Update

When To Negotiate In Person: An Update

I wrote a column in 2011 entitled “In Person Talks Often Best Option” for The Arizona Republic. Given the timeliness of this subject as many CFOs and others contemplate the money saved with employees Zooming from home and staying away from airports, I thought I would...
How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

How to Negotiate a Raise: Part Two

The two most expensive letters in the English alphabet are “O.K.,” which is how many respond when offered a raise. After all, many don’t want to appear greedy or unappreciative by asking for more – even when you deserve it. It can also be scary, as there is always a...