Improve Your Negotiations With The 5 Golden Rules.   LEARN THEM
The Power of Testing Perceptions

The Power of Testing Perceptions

If you believe I have a better Plan B than doing a deal with you and can easily walk away from the table, then you will act accordingly. You will also be more likely to respond with a very aggressive counter if you believe my initial move was outrageous. And if you...
Three More Strategies for Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Three More Strategies for Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Several recent negotiation training attendees asked me how negotiations differ when you’re across the table from a company or individual based in another country or culture. I pointed them to a 2004 column I wrote entitled “Cross-Cultural Negotiations Present Special...
NBA Negotiations Revolve Around Respect

NBA Negotiations Revolve Around Respect

New York Knicks’ superstar NBA guard Jalen Brunson reportedly just took $112 million less in compensation than he could get on the open market so he could stay with the Knicks. Wow! Of course, he’s still getting $156 million over four years! And NBA superstar...
Four Common Procurement Negotiation Mistakes (Part Two)

Four Common Procurement Negotiation Mistakes (Part Two)

“Here’s the problem,” this consulting client in procurement told me years ago. “We’ve worked with this software company for a long time and our internal clients are pretty satisfied. But its fee just skyrocketed and it’s being really stubborn – no concessions at all....
Four Common Procurement Negotiation Mistakes (Part One)

Four Common Procurement Negotiation Mistakes (Part One)

“I don’t like it when procurement gets involved and takes over from our client in the General Counsel’s office,” this large law firm partner told me recently. “They don’t recognize our true value and just focus incessantly on price, like we’re a commodity. We’re...
Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

Negotiating with Teens (Part Two)

“Hi – how are you?” my friend said to his teen daughter years ago after coming home from work. She erupted, yelled at him, stormed to her room and slammed the door. He turned to his wife and said “what did I do?” She replied “you talked.” This example, shared by...
Negotiating with Teens (Part One)

Negotiating with Teens (Part One)

My 14-year-old daughter has excellent negotiation skills. And that’s a problem, at least now. Of course, I shouldn’t complain. She’s a great kid and very responsible, etc. But she can also be really frustrating. My friends with older daughters tell me this is a...
Retail Store Negotiation Tips

Retail Store Negotiation Tips

I sold children’s shoes in high school at Dayton’s Department Store, and we took everything back – no questions asked. The shoes could have been worn for a day or a year. Dayton’s policy was clear: the customer is always right on returns Of course, some took advantage...
Three Common Sales Negotiation Mistakes

Three Common Sales Negotiation Mistakes

I have coached and trained over 50,000 sales professionals in negotiation since I started in this business 25 years ago. Many have achieved great success, including some with seven-figure incomes. The most effective have excellent negotiation skills (since sales and...